How To Prepare Your Home For Your New Golden Retriever Puppy

Vinod Pandey

Planning to bring a golden Retriever pup home? Reminds me how much I researched and inquired about bringing home a pup, the shopping for pup essentials, and all the preparations that went into readying the house for Charlie. In this post, I will share some important things you need to do before bringing a golden retriever puppy home. 

How to Prepare Your Home For a New Golden Retriever Puppy

Table of Contents

Puppy-proof the home

It's time to puppy-proof the house when all the shopping is done. 

  • Start with baby gates at all the restricted areas within the house, such as the kitchen, bathrooms, any passage leading to the garage, stairs, and any other place in the house that is not safe for the puppy to visit. 
  • Check for any loose wiring, put away the charging cords, and hide any chewable items such as belts, boots, socks, shoes, and anything that a pup can grab with his mouth and chew. 
  • Keep the toilet lid closed and do not leave the tubs full, as the pup may be drowning in it. 
  • Tie up the blind cords high enough so that the puppy cannot reach them. 
  • Keep medicines and cleaning products away on a shelf at a height. 
  • Keep your trash bins away from the reach of your new family member. 

Puppy-proof the backyard 

  • First of all, remove all the plants that are harmful to dogs. Puppies, well, in fact even grown-up dogs, often eat plants and their leaves. 
  • Secure your backyard with a fence that has no gaps in it. 
  • Cover any pit or burrow under the fence. 
  • You will also have to secure the yard by installing an airlock or double gate. 
  • Check that all latches on the gates and fences are secure, and do not leave your canine in the yard in your absence. 
  • You can even get a GPS-tracking collar for your pup. 
  • Ensure that fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides are stored away at a height. 
  • Keep gardening tools such as rakes, digging forks, pruners, and sharp-edged tools away from them. 

Discussing with other family members 

This is also an important aspect to consider as it will help simplify the chores around your new family member. Take into consideration the family member's interests and assign duties accordingly. 

Discuss other issues such as if the pup can be allowed on the bed and the couch, who will take them out for walks, and most importantly, who takes over your responsibilities in your absence. 

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Select a vet

You may also need to find a good veterinarian and book an appointment with him or her before bringing your puppy home. 

Get necessary contacts

You may also need to get in contact with dog walkers, pet sitters, daycare centers, and trainers, and start interviewing them. Apart from that, hunt for a good obedience training program, They not only help you learn how to train your puppy but also strengthen the bond between you two. 

Get all the doggy essentials 

You will also need to be prepared with all the necessary dog supplies, like toys, puppy food, and treats before bringing your golden retriever puppy home.

Other points to keep in mind 

When bringing home the pup, Ask a family member, a friend, or a colleague to accompany you as you drive back home. Puppies get nervous during their first ride home. They may want to sit on your lap, and this could be a major distraction while driving. 

When home, allow your pup to interact with family members and other pets one by one, but make sure not to overwhelm the puppy with everyone's excitement. 

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